> Listen to Azote talk about blobby spheroids

You ask Azote about the blobby spheroids.

Azote: Ah, the ribosome! Where would we be without it? Nonexistent. Just as we'd be without most of our organelles.
Azote: But the ribosome is a personal favorite of mine. It is really so underrated by so many people! I mean, it...
Azote starts to ramble about how great it is and how the people who rate it low are stupid. You ask them to stay on topic and tell you the function.
Azote: Hm? Oh yeah, there isn't much to say. It makes protiens, that's kinda it. And apparently, for EctoBiologist, that's not COOL ENOUGH! i mean how can you even THINK like that? You know what i mean right? You get it?
You do not know what they mean, and you definitely do not get it. You thank them for the education.
Azote: Anytime.

> Take a nap

> Head to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum