> Try to find your way to the nucleus

Mondo: Please pick up the pace, guys. It's very intense up here.
Azote: Oh god. This isn't good, dudes.
Kalum: what, a bunch of blobby spheroids? doesn't seem like much of threat
Polym: kalum, we're on the cellular level. most things are blobby spheroids.
Azote: Kalum. Kalum listen. I know the answer to this question is probably no, but did you by chance add a defense mechanism to this ship?
Kalum: nope! but i'm willing to go very very fast.
Polym: ...
Lyman: I don't think he realizes what's going on.
What's going on? Azote definitely knows. Kalum definitely doesn't. Lyman knows the important parts, and Polym... You can't tell. What do you do?

> Ask Azote about the situation.

> Jump into overdrive